Important Information on Purchasing Funeral Plans

Andrew Akins’ Funeral Directors, at Cockwell’s Funeral Service, have collated important information on purchasing funeral plans to help you make the correct decision. We can only guarantee to conduct your funeral if you purchase your pre-paid funeral plan directly from us. Call us on 01639 884585 for further enquiries on our funeral plans.

Paying For A Funeral Plan

Paying for a funeral plan can be done via a single payment or multiple payments. These go directly into a Trust, a legal entity. Providing payments are made according to T&C’s, funds are released from the Trust at the time of death, and we can guarantee a tailor-made funeral service.

Why You Should Purchase Your Funeral Plan From Cockwell’s Funeral Service

We promise tailored funeral services that meet your exact wishes, providing you purchase your funeral plan from us. The payments made to pre-paid funeral plans are held in a trust by a Trust Company. The Trust Company deducts fees from your payment for their services as is specified in the contract.

If pre-paid funeral plans are purchased from third-party companies, the sum allocated to plans may be insufficient for future services. As a result, the available funds will not be enough to cover the services you expect. If you would like Cockwell’s Funeral Services to arrange your funeral, then we advise you buy the plan directly from us. This is because all plans bought through us guarantee our services.

closeup shot of a colorful casket in a hearse or chapel before funeral or burial at cemetery

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about important information on purchasing funeral plans, then get in touch with Andrew Akins on 01639 884585. Our funeral plan will help prepare you for the future and prevent loved ones from facing financial strain. Whether you are based in Port Talbot, or any of the surrounding areas we can help.

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